As a program development and grant and report writing firm working with a limited number of clients at any one time, our primary asset is our ability to give distinct, personal, and persuasive voice to the goals, aspirations, and concerns of the human service organizations and institutions with which we work. Through listening, dialogue, and problem-solving, our recommendations and writing help clients find new ways to express and summarize their own organizational values and purpose, while sharpening and focusing their vision of what can be accomplished through individual programs and projects. As a program planning firm with strong development experience, we have the ability to organize and prioritize diverse program concepts and ideas in order to maximize funding potential and the potential for program success. We also have expertise in program budgeting, and specialize in developing concise, attainable, and measurable goals and objectives. At least three national proposals prepared by Robert Whirry & Associates have received the highest score in the nation of all proposals.

Robert Whirry & Associates provides independent consulting services in the following areas: